Our beginning
Initially SWY was called One In Four (North) however by 2002 it became Survivors West Yorkshire. In partnership with the then Director of One In Four (London), Colm O’Gorman Robert co-produced the concept for what was to become The Survivors Trust.
During that period Robert in partnership with Colm also explored the use of digital technology to meet the needs of survivors. The aim being to increase the involvement of survivors, via focused and constructive means, to inform policy and specialist service design.
Subsequently SWY has delivered a part-time virtual signposting service (email & telephone), commissioned researched (you can read the ‘A View From Inside the Box’ report series via our publications page). A main focus using these reports has been lobbying over the last decade at all levels of Government.
It pioneered UK workshops for male survivors (Victims No Longer) and those who support them (Healing the Healers) in partnership with Mike Lew. It has forged innovative and evolving partnership collaborations with Rape Crisis services and others whilst challenging the silence, wherever, it was seen to be holding back safe and evidenced improvements for survivors – regards of age, gender or experience.
Latest news
There has been a lot more over the years – you can catch a glimpse of that here
Music credit Murray Gold and the BBC.